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2: Buddies

8:05 AM
Lou are you there?
I know you're there, can you see this?
OK good. Remember what I showed you, how you can click on the little video camera for a video chat?
Seriously? This was like twenty minutes ago.
oh that
Right, so click on it
Don't be a jerk, click on it.
well i dont want to have a video chat
Why not?
why do you want to
I'm just trying to make sure everything works.
well this works
Right, but the video.
what video
For Christ's sake Lou, the
relax im kidding
i dont see the icon
It's next to my picture and name in the buddy list.
wtf is a buddy list
I don't have time for this, if you want to be able to get in touch with me at work this is how we're going to do it and I feel like you're just jerking me around.
maybe i dont have time for this
You lick your balls all day.
thats more than a little insensitive and i think you know why
Whatever. Look, I have to work. I'll be on here if you need me.
8:25 AM
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